ok so we got told to create a short little video for a prelim task, the video had to contain two pieces of dialoge and a number of different camera shot types as we could.
i feel like we did fairly well with creating the video seeing as me and katy (who i was working on this with) have never really done media before and didn't know most of it. we tried to the best of our ability to do most of the techniques we needed to do. with the coninuity editing i think that it could have flowed a bit better and also there were scenes that were a bit longer than they should have been or not cut enough ect ect.
the match on action shot of the door handle being turned i felt was a bit longer than neseccary and it didn't really flow well into the next shot. we tried to get the 108 degree shot in right in the first shot with panning the camera around from one end of the halway to the other, apart from fairly shakey camera work on my part i felt like that was a fairly good shot.
possibly one of the worst shots was the attempt on a shot reverse shot, it reall wasn't in there because the shots we had done didn't work well in continuity editing and image of the video and we didn't have enough time to re-shoot it.
there is alkot of things we could have done better but i feel that those problems arose mostly due to our own inexperiance. I feel that now we know more about the camera work and the editing of a video we can do slightly better next time but there is still alot to learn from here and i look forward to it.