Monday, 28 February 2011

audience feedback analysis and initial stages of production

for lucid we had two main tyoes of audiences in mind.
males aged 15-25 as our primary audience with femals of the same age group as out secondary audience type.

because of our current technological generation we would be using these technologies to promote the film to the specific audience types and also influencing the audiences we feel are close to this genre of film by exposure. these technologies could be through websites like facebook or twitter, websites such as imdb for those hardcore film fans and the possibility of apps for android software.

as a sample group we made a presentation to our peers about what our film would be about and the basic ideas of this film would be, we chose to do this with our peers as they are the target audiences in which the film would be aimed at. from the feedback we got from them the only thing we really needed to do was to develop our ideas a bit more (which was fair enough as we didn't have many solid ideas at the point in time).

in the following video there is a pan round shot of our main area for the production as well as a number of still images cleverly put into one neat comfortable package. we chose this area as our main production set becuase it was easily accessable and prodived us with the main areas we had been looking for in the development process.

the follwoign two storyboard clips are ones that represent some of the classic features of our genre of film and are incredibly important to the wider picture of the film.

with the issue of non-diegetic sound is that we know what type of sound we are looking for but we haven't located a sutible enough soundtrack to put in at this point in time.

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